About the Inside of Your Teeth
The outside of your teeth is made of enamel, the shiny and, hopefully, bright white surface that everyone gets to see. Next comes the dentin, the layer underneath the enamel, but beyond both of those is your tooth’s center. That area is called the pulp, and if decay goes through the enamel, beyond the dentin, and into the pulp then a root canal is going to be the procedure you need.
Removing teeth is always a last resort, and for badly damaged or infected teeth a root canal might be your last line of defense before you get there. To schedule a Berkeley root canal procedure, call our office at (510) 527-9564. Tooth pain from an infection or decaying pulp will likely only get worse and more damage can take place.
Why Do I Need a Root Canal?
Severe decay of the pulp eats away at your tooth from the inside, killing the nerves in your teeth and starting to rot away the tooth’s very core. When this starts to happen it is extremely painful, so if you have a throbbing tooth ache that could be the reason.
Root Canal Therapy Procedure
Root canal therapy is a fairly complicated procedure, which is why choosing someone with experience like Dr. Tapaltsyan and our nearly 100-year-old office is a smart choice. While they have a scary reputation, root canal therapy is actually fairly painless — the painful part is having the decaying pulp in the first place!
To begin, local anesthesia is used to numb the tooth and the surrounding area. Dr. Tapaltsyan then goes in and very carefully removes the damaged pulp, decayed nerve tissue and debris from the tooth. That area is then filled with a sealant that protects the root structure and the tooth’s inner walls, which may have been damaged by the pulp’s decay. When that’s done, the rest of the canal inside the tooth is filled and a crown is placed on top to cap everything in place. If performed correctly, the root canal therapy should have wiped out the decay and any infection that took place. The remaining tooth should be healthy (and pain free) once again.
Get In Touch:
Office Hours:
Monday: 8AM - 5PM
Tuesday: 8AM - 7PM
Wednesday: 8AM - 5PM
Thursday: 8AM - 5PM
Friday: 8AM - 5PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday Closed